The Astrology Corpus

The Astrology Course is based on manuscripts produced in the 12th century. At that time works on astrology, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy were being translated from Arabic to Latin by various translators. John of Seville, a Jew who converted to Islam, was translating the works of Abu Mashar in Toledo for the local archbishop as … Read more

Ibn Ezra World View

In modern terms the following article deals with Ibn Ezra’s philosophy, which engroses the attention of those taking The Astrology Course. But before we start I would like to suggest the word philosophy as it is being used in the 20-21st centuries is vastly different from what a 12th century scholar would consider as his … Read more

The life of Ibn Ezra

No short biography such as this can make justice with the life and achievements of Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra (ca. 1091 – ca. 1167). A giant among scholars that (almost) single-handedly transmitted the fruits of one dying great culture (the ‘Golden Age’ in Spain) to help birth a new culture (The Jewish Ashkenazi culture). At … Read more